Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Tale of Two 'Hoods

I'm always amazed when I'm reminded of how much certain neighborhoods (okay, i guess they're their own town, but they're part of the very immediate Boston Metro Area) are not looked upon kindly by their neighbors. Namely, Alston and Roxbury. I know definitively of two schools that go to great lengths to ensure that they have only Boston, not Roxbury addresses. Same goes for Alston.

But it seems that Brookline has taken this a step further. This isn't an academic institution not wanting to be associated with a slightly notorious area, it's a neighboring town. So far, I've found that only pretty predominant roads go from Alston to Brookline and vice versa. What happens on the smaller roads? Either there's a barrier at the town line so cars can't pass, or the road stops and becomes a dead end just before the line.

Now, I've never hidden the fact that Alston isn't my favorite place. (also not my most disliked. besides, it has some pretty awesome people) But I think that barriers and prematurely stopped streets is a little drastic. Oh Brookline.


Kiwi said...

Before I began exploring Allston for myself (and meeting the mighty lovely people within it) I'd always heard not so great things about it too. I really do think it's an area that has a much worse rep than it deserves. I mean, we joke about it being rat-land and all that but seriously it's so chock full of great food, chill or hangout places, unique things, and generally a pretty cool ambiance all its own and I love that about it. I definitely hate the transport to/from there from Boston (as you know hehehe) but it really is so much better than I heard about before!

As for Roxbury.. yeah I mean it's larger than I thought, but I'd always heard such terrifying things about it and with some exploration (usually during the day though, only occasionally at night) it was still better than I expected too with some cool spots worthy of discovering. But then again I usually hovered on the side closer to the South End.

But hey.. considering Brookline's rep, I can see what you're saying :P hehe.

SR said...

what is Brookline's rep?

We don't need Allston riff-raff contaminating our public over in Brookline! (says the girl who technically lived in Brighton)